The Bridge School


Bridge 6The Israeli public school system is notorious for its infestation of violence, gangs, and drugs. Besides for the dangers which the Israeli youth face daily amongst their peers, the level of education suffers; how can it not when 25 percent of its youth carry knives to school?

In 1998, Or Chadash heard the cry of parents of secular Jewish homes searching for a safer means of education. Parents in Haifa, as well as its neighboring towns have welcomed the alternative which The Bridge School at Or Chadash provides for them. The 200+ boys and girls enrolled at The Bridge School, are taught with the highest standards of education, however more importantly, the highest standards of decency.

At The Bridge School, our students are taught to shed their violent behavior and vulgarity which has been engrained in them, and we work to replaced it with proper morals and humanity. Children who once spewed hate and curses, now address each other with respect and appreciation.

A most important issue addressed at The Bridge School, is assisting the children in developing a healthy self-esteem. After being put down for so long, self-respect is a most important component which these children need to help them develop and grow as upstanding individuals.